Ashwagandha fight covid-19

Can Ashwagandha  help against covid -19

Ashwagandha fight covid-19
Ashwagandha , scientific name (withania somnifera ) is commonly known as  “Indian winter cherry “

It is one of the most important herb of Ayurveda ( The  traditional system of Medicine in India ) used for millennia as a Rasayana for its wide ranging health benefits.

Now I will come to the name Ashwagandha ,” Ashw “ which means Horse  , so when we consume Ashwagandha , it smells like “Horse” and gives the power like it to the body . so that’s why it named Ashwagandha . It the most important herb of whole Ayurveda System.

Ashwagandha is one of the superior and powerful Ayurveda Remedies , used for many purposes and benefit  related to health. It is also effective in fighting against common aliments like cold cough and some respiratory ailments which make it a potential remedy in fighting some viral diseases as well .

Regularly consuming Ashwagandha can also supercharge your immunity.

As we know there are lots of drugs now days highlight  by the scientist like , Remdesivir , Hydroxychloroquine , lopinavir , Ritonavir etc. , which the scientist use for fighting  against the covid-19 . But there is not 100% success Rate in these drugs . Till now there is,  No therapy has been found to be effective against covid-19

But , Natural compounds from Ashwagandha could potential to fight against covid-19 , as per the IIT Delhi .

DAILAB ( Lab collaborative between India and japan ) The scientist are doing Research  from past Servals  years on Ashwagandha  . Now they explore that the possibility of some bio-actives to interact with serval acute Respiratory ( SARC – COV-2 ) and fighting against

The scientist study on Aswagandha got its approval to publish  their Reasearch  in Journal of Biomolecular structure and Dynamic
As we know Ashwagandha is the major indian herb , which makes the proud to the country and scientist while research .
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